31 October 2010

Date Night

No, not ours, the movie.

I had hopes for this one. Dan in Real Life, also starring Steve Carrell, is one of my favorites and not just for the scenery (Pt. Judith Lighthouse, a beloved backdrop to my childhood, makes a cameo). The story is sweet, the characters are quirky and lovable. A real feel-good movie about love, set in the context of family.

Date Night? Not so much.

The basic premise had potential. A marriage not quite in trouble, but maybe headed there because the exhaustion of raising two (obnoxious) kids and both husband and wife working leaves them no time or energy for each other. So they go on an impromptu fancy date night to try to rekindle that romance and things go a bit haywire as they're mistaken for another couple who didn't show up for their restaurant reservation (our heroes took it in their name).

However, the execution was execrable. It was crass, crude, and coarse. And it really wasn't funny at all. I didn't really care about the characters, which were flat and unbelievable. The situation and the resolution were just absurd. If you haven't seen it, don't waste your time.

One more thing that was distasteful. The closing credits ran over outtakes from the film. I usually love these - they can be funnier than the film. But this time, I lost all respect for the actors involved, the sewage coming from their mouths was so over the top.

I'm glad we didn't see it in the theater, but we should have checked some online film review sites before renting it. Maybe we'll learn our lesson!


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